أكتوبر 28, 2024 6:31 م

Yassmin Salman Al Jaifri

PhD student

Art and Humanities Science Collage,

Mohammed V University,

Rabat, Morocco




In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world digital communication dominates the lives of the majority of people, it is important to know the advantage and disadvantage in digital communication in order to get better usage of the virtual world, the aim is to explore the digital communication meaning and nature, the research object is to shed the light of the dangers of digital malaise are easy to spot. Whether verbal language will soon be replaced by visual symbols and icons that are said to be worth a thousand words, or human beings will choose such tools to communicate rather than face-to-face, remains to be seen. When evolution coexists with globalization and commodification, the cost that seems inevitable is the shift of interpersonal intelligent communication to artificial, digital one. Although traditional text and speech are still dominant ways to interact with interfaces, visual computer recognition of text, speech, and gesture is developing rapidly.

KEYWORDS: Digital communication (DC), digital skills, advantage and disadvantage.

أشكال وخصائص الاتصال الرقمي

ياسمين سلمان الجعيفري

طالبة دكتوراهكلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية

جامعة محمد الخامسالرباط، المغرب

الملخص :

في عالم اليوم السريع الخطى والمدفوع بالتكنولوجيا، تهيمن الاتصالات الرقمية على حياة غالبية الناس، ومن المهم معرفة المزايا والعيوب في الاتصالات الرقمية من أجل الحصول على استخدام أفضل للعالم الافتراضي، والهدف هو استكشاف معنى وطبيعة الاتصالات الرقمية، وهدف البحث هو تسليط الضوء على مخاطر الوعكة الرقمية التي يسهل اكتشافها. ما إذا كانت اللغة اللفظية ستحل محلها قريبًا رموز وأيقونات بصرية يقال إنها تساوي ألف كلمة، أو سيختار البشر مثل هذه الأدوات للتواصل بدلاً من وجهاً لوجه، يبقى أن نرى. عندما يتعايش التطور مع العولمة والسلع، فإن التكلفة التي تبدو حتمية هي تحول الاتصالات الذكية بين الأشخاص إلى اتصالات رقمية اصطناعية. على الرغم من أن النص والكلام التقليديين لا يزالان من الطرق السائدة للتفاعل مع الواجهات، إلا أن التعرف البصري على النص والكلام والإيماءات بواسطة الكمبيوتر يتطور بسرعة.

الكلمات الرئيسية: الاتصالات الرقمية (DC)، المهارات الرقمية، الميزة والعيوب.


In today’s digital age, information and communication technology plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives. The rapid advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we acquire knowledge and interact with one another. While knowledge was once considered the key to success, effective communication has now taken center stage, and now days’ digital communication became a crucial subject that everyone needs to master it. Furthermore, the education sector started to depend on E- learning which has a strong link (Heinze, 2006, 22-23) .

My goal in this paper is to shed some light on the different forms of digital communication and to show the specific characteristics or aspects in which they are currently manifesting themselves. For this purpose, I devote some preliminary remarks to better understand the meaning and nature of digital communication and explore importance, as well as explain the advantages, disadvantages, and main characteristics that currently exist. shed the light on its advantage and disadvantage. it’s essential to understand the principles of effective digital communication and adapt them to the unique challenges and opportunities of the digital world.

1.    Digital communication

1.1 Digital communication meaning and nature

Humans are endowed with a variety of unique skills, and they differ from other animals in that they have an intellectual and cultural life. They are unique among living things in that they can communicate. Throughout recorded history, one of the most basic human needs has been communication. It is necessary for social union formation, youth education, and the expression of a wide range of demands and feelings. A civilized society is centered on effective communication. People communicate to inform others, ask for assistance, and exchange thoughts to establish bonds. Webster defines communication as “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior” and “information communicated: information transmitted or conveyed a verbal or written message”. Human communication has evolved over an extended period of time. Humans have progressed From basic gestures with their hands to spoken language

( Tomasello, 2008, 23)

On the other hand, the term “digital” refers to the kind of technology or instrument that is employed in communication. Human communication changes with age depending on the prevalent technological paradigm of that period. Oral culture predominated as a mode of communication since the Stone Age when most interactions were face-to-face.  Every indigenous group in every country has a localized form of communication that is part of their culture. Indigenous ways of communicating include songs, dances, artifacts, idiophones, folklore, and other fundamentally local resources that are used to convey meaning.  Because what is freely accessible in one community might not be in another, each group uses a unique communication channel or channels (Nkiru ,et al.,2020,158). It is possible to see the drum rolls and smoke signals of prehistoric tribes as technological tools for communication[1]. The invention of the printed word brought about by Gutenberg’s printing press marked the beginning of the print age and transformed verbal into literary culture. However, with the development of broadcast media came the electronic culture, in which people from different countries and areas of the world could communicate more quickly through audio-visual means and distance was no longer an obstacle to the exchange of ideas. Humanity has been so enthralled with this progress that it has transformed into a global village where people may communicate closely with one another. The world is now in the digital age, when communication has grown more engaging, rapid, and democratic in what is commonly referred to as the “digital culture” thanks to advancements in information and communication technology.

According to Tsvyk and Tsvyk (2019,560) digital technology can be defined as all digital tools, systems, and resources that assist in the creation, storing, and management of data.( Jibril, et.al .2023,2) define Digital technologies as “computer  and  computer-based  technologies which communicate using a language called binary code”. Binary code is a simple language that the computer use and it only consists of one and zero (Feldman 2005,2).Therefore, Digital technology can be defined as digital tools, methods, and resources that support Tsvyk and Tsvyk (2019,561) defined communication technologies as “a wide range of digital technologies used for creating, transmitting and distributing information and providing services (computer equipment, software, telephone lines, cellular communications, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable communications networks, multimedia, as well as the Internet). According to Tagg (2015,5-6) digital communication is any interpersonal connection that is facilitated by digital communication technology (i.e., instruments that send data in various formats).  She went on to say that digital communication as a human process is characterized by practice rather than just technology; that this type of communication occurs within networks (Internet, GSM, CDMA, and others); that the focus of this type of communication has shifted from content creation to interaction, networking, and relationships; and that it is getting harder to isolate media.(Tagg, 2015)

 Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics is a series of introductory level textbooks covering the core topics in Applied Linguistics, primarily designed for those beginning postgraduate studies or taking an introductory MA course, as well as advanced undergraduates. Titles in the series are also ideal for language professionals returning to academic study.\nThe books take an innovative ‘practice to theory’ approach, with a ‘back-to-front’ structure. This leads the reader from real-world problems and issues, through a discussion of intervention and how to engage with these concerns, before finally relating these practical issues to theoretical foundations.\nExploring Digital Communication aims to discuss real-world issues pertaining to digital communication, and to explore how linguistic research addresses these challenges. The text is divided into three sections (Problems and practices; Interventions; and Theory), each of which is further divided into two subsections which reflect linguistic issues relating to digital communication. The author seeks to demystify any perceived divide between online and offline communication, arguing that issues raised in relation to digital communication throw light on language use and practices in general, and thus linguistic interventions in this area have implications not only for users of digital communication but for linguists’ general understanding of language and society. including relevant research examples, tasks and a glossary, this textbook is an invaluable resource for postgraduate and upper undergraduate students taking New Media or Communication Studies modules within Applied Linguistics and English Language courses. (Tagg, 2015) Consequently, digital communication can be defined as the utilization or the use of digital technology for inter-person communication with electronic. To connect with other individuals or another computer or digital machine across a digital network, one must use digital technology equipment such as a computer, smartphone, or other digital device. The message can take many forms Voice/sound, image, video, text, 3D animation, and other formats.

  • Importance of digital communication

The importance of digital communication in everyday life could determine two areas of this communication format: business and non-business. Economic life relationships move their focus to business forms, where digital communication becomes an increasingly important tool for the performance of all corporate activities across entities. When it comes to non-business life, households’ relationships turn their interest to family and their already formed relationships with friends and friends. In this sense, communication has certainly acquired diverse forms under the influence of newness in potential communication opportunities. More than that, digital communication is an encompassing concept that synthesizes a variety of different forms of communication.

the incredible capabilities of computers, notebooks, telephony, internet-enabled devices, and palmtops. Smart technologies like mobile phones, PDAs, and notebook computers have become essential tools for education. They offer a vast array of possibilities that not only enhance our learning experience but also promote direct engagement with the subjects at hand. These technologies enable quick and seamless interaction with both teachers and peers, creating an environment that fosters collaboration and enables personalized learning. This is especially beneficial for younger students who are growing up in a world driven by technology (Nguyen et al., 2021).

  1. The Characteristics of Digital Communication

Ibrahim and Hussein (2015) stated the characteristics of digital communication with a set of points:

  1. Interactive: a term unique to in-person communication, referring to the objectives that are shared during goal-influencing through both the ongoing nature of the communication process and the diversity of participants.
  2. Diversity: Give the recipients more options so they can use the communication process to suit their needs. Reasons to communicate, including the availability of email, conferences, and voice and writing communication Conversations and a wide range of content were present, and it was from this diversity that systems known as Smart global emerged.
  3. Integration: The Internet represents a communication complex that brings together communication systems in various ways. Various digital means help the individual choose the media materials that suit him.
  4. Individualism, as digital communication increases the value and distinction of the individual when it provides him with multiple programs Protocols offer a great deal of choice and freedom to roam and use.
  5. Crossing cultural boundaries through global communication, bringing down cultural barriers between practical parties Communication, whether bilateral or all, through TV channel websites and weakness of the networks to which residents of the continents are exposed, despite the differences in broadcast languages. Going beyond the unity of time and place, as digital communication does not require presence in a place one also does not require simultaneous exposure because the material can be recalled and protected from the digital archive, re-stored and received at any time.
  6. The delay in the communication process due to cheap communication led to users becoming absorbed. In these programs, the aim is to learn for long periods of time in an individual setting, and the programs also help Hypertexts throughout the wandering period.
  7. Advantages of digital communication

According to Abdel Hamid (2007), there are several advantages to digital communications:

  1. Communication technology works to provide multiple, diverse, and differentiated knowledge and information In particular, in an unprecedented way, digital communication and information explosion and cognitive development are a result of the unprecedented development in communication technology and technology. Information that benefits from digital communication and will contribute to teaching how to benefit from it to the information and its spread that covered all fields, as a result of the characteristics that distinguished it Communication technology, the most important of which is storage capacity.
  2. Communication technology has increased the speed of preparing media messages and the capabilities. It can be transformed into different forms, from print to visual, and from visual to printed, and in the ability to publish and distribute it, crossing the barriers of time and space.
  3. Communication technology has provided new generations with the opportunity to participate in Seminars include raising questions or discussing some topics, and the circle of education has expanded. Open or distance education, which began in universities by offering lectures via the Internet as well as remote meetings.
  4. Eliminating waiting time and wasting time, it allows the organization and customers to use communication technology to create direct interaction, thus saving time.
  5. Disadvantages of digital communication

According to Hassan (2001, 210-211) there are two important disadvantages of digital communication:

  1. The knowledge gap occurs between the countries that own this technology and the countries that import it, between the European and Arab countries participating in this technological communication revolution, there is a risk of increasing their marginalization and increasing the possibility of Cultural isolation.
  2. The integration of digital communications into one system is one of the main tools of current globalization with its economic, cultural and political dimensions. It is embodied through the dismantling of cultures, cultural invasion and the corruption of national cultures because, quite simply, this technology does not consider our criticisms, and morals. Rather, it advances without waiting for us to become qualified to receive it. What is certain is that communication technology is a Western cultural product that emerged to meet objective needs. It is related to the structure and culture of these societies, and does not take into account what is present in our societies. Customs, traditions, principles and values, which make them, pose a great danger to these components.

 After that Ezzi (2003.104) added:

  1. All indicators of the development of digital communication and communication technology indicate the absence of any entity or authority over it. The source or blind person who controls the flow of information, including government agencies and intelligence agencies, is detrimental to our culture, traditions, and values, because these communication media load. It contains a large volume of information, images, and data that works to destroy the morals of humanity Our principles are without knowledge and without supervision, as long as these information and images are not monitored.

McMenemy Saulles sate that a series of criminal, deliberate, or just negligent events have placed vast amounts of personal and position data on the disc losable public record prompting a massive policy and design review of the on-line structures underpinning the digital culture of sociality (Saulles, 2016).

  1. These technologies are primarily emotional, social, and intimate, and they are also practical. Despite the great experience it provided in the field of freedom of expression, this freedom was restricted by political restrictions. There is no guarantee that communication technology will lead to a new, different era involving more freedom of expression.
  2. Also among the disadvantages of digital communication technology is the fragmentation. It leads to the division of the single broad public into a large number of small groups with different trends, which leads to a reduction in the common experiences of most members of society.
  3. The health effects of communication technology on the biological, physiological, and psychological aspects. many diseases are caused by excessive use of these technologies such as Headaches, depression, isolation, poor eyesight, fatigue, weak blood, anxiety, fatigue…etc., and this What has been proven by many studies in this field.

  1. Forms of digital communication technology

According to Novak (2019) the ease of sending messages has been facilitated by four primary forms of communication technology: internet, radio, television, and telephone.

  1. A whole new method of verbal, written, and visual communication was made possible by the telephone, and its innovative characteristics are still changing the face of communication technology. The telephone transformed spoken communication. With the ability to communicate with one another from anywhere in the world, relationships are strengthened and the concerns associated with long-distance communication are removed. It’s as easy to talk to someone across the nation as it is to talk to someone on the street.

The device was upgraded from “telephone” to “mobile phone” as technology developed. What was once a bulky piece of gear being now small enough to fit in your pocket. The modern telephone has increased functions and capabilities in addition to being portable. The telephone embraced new forms of textual and visual communication as it developed. The amount of information that may be exchanged via phones has increased due to the frequent use of text messaging and electronic photo copies. One example of written communication using the phone is Short Message Service.

Short Message Service or SMS also called “text messaging,” is a service that allows users to send brief messages—up to 160 characters—to mobile phones, smartphones, and other devices(Geertsema et al., 2011).

  1. The radio: The radio was first used for communication some twenty years after the telephone. Radio is another advance in verbal communication; instead of speaking with a single person over the phone, it may reach large audiences. Many communicators are still inspired to make the most of the radio because of its low cost and wide audience reach. Information providers use radio technology to communicate with their large audiences over extended periods of time, including newscasters and marketers. Radio technology improved mass communication and changed how information is disseminated to huge audiences.
  2. Television: Another means of reaching large audiences is television, which also has the benefit of visual communication. There are some things that are difficult to put into words. Watchers of television are given the best of both worlds: knowledge and accompanying images. Because of this benefit, television has surpassed radio as the most popular medium for mass communication. There are many of television channels available now that provide information on nearly every subject, including science, fiction, sports, history, and more. When seeking knowledge, individuals frequently turn to television, whether it is for amusement or hard data.
  3. The Internet, commonly known as just “the Net,” is a global system of computer networks that allows users at any one computer to access any other computer’s data with permission and occasionally to communicate directly with users at other computers (Leiner et al., 2009). Communicators no longer need to own a separate gadget for every sort of communication technology because of the internet. All of this can be done in one location via the Internet. The internet, the queen bee of interaction, is able to seamlessly integrate and centralize all forms of communication technologies. It offers the widest variety of communication and information sources that humans are aware of. The forms as follow
  • Instant Messaging: Platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Slack enable real-time text communication.
  • Video Conferencing: Tools such as Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams allow face-to-face interactions and virtual meetings.
  • Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn connect people globally for sharing updates and engaging in discussions.
  • Email: A widely used method for formal communication, providing a reliable means of exchanging messages and files.
  • Collaborative Tools and Cloud Storage: Platforms like Google Drive and Dropbox facilitate real-time collaboration on documents.
  • Mobile Applications: Apps that provide instant access to messaging, social media, banking, and other services on the go.
  • Remote Collaboration Tools: Project management software and virtual whiteboards that support teamwork among remote teams.
  • Online Learning Platforms: E-learning tools that enable students and educators to communicate and participate in virtual classrooms.
  • Online Customer Support: Live chat and chatbots on websites offering prompt assistance to customers.
  1. Ethical Considerations in Digital Communication

Ethical considerations in digital communication are indeed vital for fostering trust, respect, and integrity. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

Principles of communications ethics in social media The Austrian PR Ethics Council has defined eight principles for communication in online and social media channels(Ethics-in-Digital-Communications-Guidelines.Pdf, n.d.-a):

  1. Fairness – Use the power of communication with care.
  2. Respect – Respect the users’ personalities and opinions.
  3. Responsibility – Assume responsibility for the content of a statement as a communicator.
  4. Moderation – Define clear rules for discourse.
  5. Clarity – Define rules and guidelines as orientation for the employees of a company.
  6. Transparency – Disclose role as communicator and the motivation.
  7. Courtesy – Use the right tone.
  8. Privacy – Treat personal matters personally, and confidential matters as confidential.


Digital communication has revolutionized how we interact, offering a diverse array of forms that meet the different needs and preferences. From emails and social media platforms to instant messaging and video conferencing, each medium possesses unique characteristics that influence the way we share information and connect with others. The speed, convenience, and accessibility of digital communication have made it an integral part of modern life especially with the rise of the COVID-19 virus even the education sector tuned to depend on E- learning, yet it also presents challenges such as privacy concerns, information overload, and the potential for miscommunication cultural sensitivity. As we continue to navigate this ever-evolving landscape, it is crucial that we keep these characteristics in mind as we navigate this always changing environment and work toward secure, courteous, and productive communication techniques.


  1. The future of digital communication technology is expected to bring about significant advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality.
  2. Utilize digital communication skills for maintaining weak-tie relationships, such as acquaintances and colleagues, as it can facilitate easy and efficient contact. As Weak ties can be crucial for networking, job opportunities, and spreading new ideas because they connect people to broader, more diverse social circles.
  3. Using digital communication as a supplementary tool rather than a complete substitute for traditional methods helps maintain the richness of human interaction.
  4. Forms of digital communication offers numerous benefits, such as instant connectivity and efficiency. However, it also presents challenges like misinterpreting tone, losing nuance, and lacking non-verbal cues, issue of privacy . Practicing digital etiquette can help mitigate these issues by ensuring messages are clear, respectful, and considerate.


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